
  • Adventurers

    Our Adventurer Club is designed to strengthen parent-child relationships for kids ages 4-9 by providing specialized weekly activities tuned into
the psychological needs of this age group while simultaneously giving parents opportunities for learning parenting skills and enjoying special
activities with their children.

  • Audio Visual

    The Audio/Visual ministry provides a broad range of media that enriches and supports the worship experience for the church and community. Through audio and visual technology, the body of Christ is ministered to glorified.

  • Children’s

    Children’s Church connects children to Jesus through engaging interactive worship experiences. Programming is designed for Kindergarten, Primary, Juniors, and Earliteens. It usually meets on the first and third Sabbaths from March to June and August to October.

  • Clerk

    The clerk handles the correspondence between members and churches in the transferring of memberships, corresponding with the conference, manage church records which should be carefully preserved.

  • Communications

    The communications ministry assists in communicating the vision and mission of the church via various media. We aid in the production of sermon graphics, announcement videos and social media posts. We also capture and publish pictures of various church services and events, build and maintain websites, social media, branding and marketing.

  • Community Services

    We are to motivate, equip, and mobilize church members to meet unconditionally the expressed needs of people around us, thus fostering a trust relationship between the Vienna Seventh-Day Adventist Church and it's surrounding communities, as well as nurturing people toward a restored, abundant life in Jesus.

  • Deacons and Deaconesses

    The word “deacon” means “servant” or “attendant.” The office of the deacon originates from Acts 6:1-6, when the apostles appointed men, who were full of the spirit, to care for the widows of the church. Today, the men and women who serve as deacons and deaconesses are the eyes and ears of the pastor and elders, assisting in identifying the needs of the congregation, community, and church property. Among other tasks, deacons and deaconesses are greeters, ushers, and mentors to junior deacons and deaconesses. They maintain the church property and assist with baptismal and communion services. The pastor and elders may also request deacons or deaconesses to conduct church member visitation.

  • Family

    The objective of family ministries is to strengthen marriage and the family. The family was established by divine creation with marriage at its center. Our focus on premarital guidance for couples, marriage strengthening programs, and the education of parents. We also give attention to the special needs of single parents and step-families and provide instruction in family-to-family evangelism. “Our work for Christ is to begin with the family, in the home. . . . There is no missionary field more important than this. . . . By many this home field has been shamefully neglected, and it is time that divine resources and
remedies were presented, that this state of evil may be corrected.”— AH 35.

  • Health

    The Church believes its responsibility to make Christ known to the world includes a moral obligation to preserve human dignity by promoting optimal levels of physical, mental, and spiritual health. We plan and implement an efficient program to promote healthy living among members and in the community through church-operated health ministries program.

  • Hospitality

    Our mission is to provide a welcoming environment of love, acceptance,
comfort, support, care, and unity for visitors, members, guests, and friends in order to enhance their worship experience, encourage fellowship, and help build a community of believers.

  • Men's

    Our mission is to boost the energy and resources of men for God, Family, Church and Community. Adventist Men is a subsidiary of the personal
ministries department. It includes lay preaching efforts, prison ministry, and Community Services.

  • Music

    Music ministry plays a vital role in the worship service. We work fervently with the facilitating elder and pastor/guest speaker in order that musical selections harmonize with the sermonic theme and for the glory of God.

  • Pathfinders

    The purpose of the Pathfinder Club is to introduce young people to Jesus Christ. The program will help them develop body, mind and spirit. With these skills, our young people are able to carry on the work of the church and bring others to the feet of Jesus.

  • Personal

    Personal ministries provides resources and trains members to unite their efforts with those of the pastor and officers in soul-winning service. It also has primary responsibility for programs assisting those in need. We are to inspire, motivate, equip, train, and mobilize all members for dynamic Christian service with the conviction that “The church of Christ is organized for service” (Ministry of Healing, p. 148) and “Every son and daughter of God is called to be a missionary; we are called to the service of God and our fellow men” (The Ministry of Healing, p. 395).

  • Prayer

    We desire to spiritually strengthen and support pastors, elders, and members by always blending prayer in their ministry and daily life.

  • Sabbath School

    Sabbath School focuses on four emphases that are still prominent to this day: fellowship development, community outreach, Bible study, and foreign
mission. These emphases are contextual to each age group: from babies to adults.

  • Safety and Security

    We focus on safety and security issues and create a safer environment for our congregation.

  • Stewardship

    Stewardship ministries encourages members to respond to God’s grace by dedicating all they have to Him. Stewardship responsibilities involve
more than just money. It includes, but is not limited to, the proper care and use of the body, mind, time, abilities, spiritual gifts, relationships, influence,
language, the environment, and material possessions.

  • Treasurer

    The Treasurer is the custodian of all church funds. These include conference (tithe, all regular mission funds, local church funds (sabbath school funds), and funds belonging to auxiliary organization of the local church such as church outreach, family ministries, etc. The Treasurer also prepares financial statements and reports.

  • Vienna Adventist Academy

    The Mission of Vienna Adventist Academy is to provide a Christ-centered quality education, promote balanced character development. We prepare students for citizenship in today's world and God's kingdom. Click here to learn more.

  • Women's

    Description goes We uphold, encourage, and challenge women in their daily walk as disciples of Jesus Christ and as members of His church. Our objectives are to foster spiritual growth and renewal; affirm that women are of immeasurable worth by virtue of their creation and redemption. We equip them for service, and offer women’s perspectives on church issues. We minister to the broad spectrum of women’s needs, with regards for multicultural and multiethnic perspectives. We cooperate with other departments to facilitate ministry to women and of women; build good will among women to encourage mutual support and creative exchange of ideas; mentor and encourage women and create paths for their involvement in the church; and find ways and
means to challenge each woman to use her gifts to further global

  • Young Adults

    This ministry provides space for 18-35 year olds as they embark on various intrinsic stages of life. From collegiate to young families, the young adult ministry seeks to not only provide social and spiritual growth events but to equip this group with relevant resources to navigate life and be contextual in whatever spheres and environments they’re in.

  • Youth

    To obtain the salvation of the youth it is necessary to give them every possible opportunity to participate in all Adventist youth activities. By keeping youth actively preparing for more efficient service, they are protected from evil. It is necessary to place them in some activity as soon as they are ready. “Seeking the good of others is the way in which true happiness can be found” (Counsels on Stewardship, p. 24). The enemy will not prevail against youth who are actively engaged in the things of God.